A.V Dawson Port of Middlesbrough Head Office - The Staiths
Location: Port of Middlesbrough, Riverside Park
Client: AV Dawson Ltd
Status: Completed 2021
‘The Staiths’ is a 24,000 sq ft office building - the new head office for A.V Dawson’s 40 Hectare Port of Middlesbrough site which forms part of a £10 million, 3 year masterplan. The building also provides modern office accommodation for several companies including Prysmian and Cockfield Knight. The location was chosen for its ease of access for the employees of these individual businesses who were previously housed in several disparate buildings on site. The goal of the new building was to establish a new community for these businesses and to create a common area that fosters co-operation, communication, and wellbeing.
A showcase of modern office design
The Staiths serves as both an office building and a link connecting the historic docks to the north with the industrial zone to the south. The building, set within a carefully considered contemporary landscape, welcomes visitors with a central glazed entry, stairwell, and spacious amenity areas. Employees enjoy use of the gym, training rooms, high tech Conference Facility, private meeting rooms, music room, and rooftop bar and terrace with panoramic views of the River Tees, industrial Middlesbrough and the Cleveland Hills beyond.